#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Africa Media Matrix ## Skin ### Button Button_24668980_281D_AFB1_41BB_95960EDC07DF.label = LOCATION Button_24669980_281D_AFB1_41A2_2E4463A79F44.label = PANORAMA LIST Button_2466A980_281D_AFB1_418B_A2C07A105AC8.label = FLOORPLAN Button_2466E980_281D_AFB1_4162_EA07A928F5A0.label = INFO Button_24675980_281D_AFB1_41AB_5E8A131B58F4.label = PHOTOALBUM Button_24677980_281D_AFB1_41B8_349C6FF7E551.label = CONTACT Button_ABE80277_B550_4827_41C7_D6FB7EFD5E86.label = Map Button_DE2AD376_CDA2_5573_41CB_8B40DC7FD248.label = PANORAMA LIST ### Multiline Text HTMLText_1FBF6246_281E_9CB1_419A_1826B037D31A_mobile.html =

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The AMM building has seven computer labs, eight seminar rooms and broadcast production studios that are assigned for teaching and media production purposes. On the top floor of the building the current computer lab allocations are:

Room 212 – Design Lab
Room 213 – Writing and Editing Lab (also a lab for general use by JMS students)
Room 221 – Digital Media/Postgraduate Diploma Lab
Room 222 – Photography/Multimedia Lab
Room 223 – Postgraduate (Diploma, Honours, Masters and PhD) Lab
The television and Audio labs, and the 4th year television cubicles are located in the TV and Audio sections, on the middle and ground floors respectively. These labs are for the exclusive use of the students studying those Specialisations. Details of how these spaces operate are available from the lecturing staff and here :

Technology Guide Television Students
Technology Guide Audio Students
JMS2 Students who are doing WEPD can log into the Writing Lab computers, while those doing Audio can log into both the Writing Lab and the Audio Lab.

Hons, PGDIP, PDMM, Masters, and PhD students can log into the Postgraduate and Writing Labs.

Seminar rooms are accessible to JMS2s and above on a 24-hour basis for seminar and study purposes, but computer logon is restricted to tutors, MA and PhD students. JMS1 students have access to the building and the seminar rooms during afternoon tutorial times.

Building access
Access to the AMM is assigned to student cards at the beginning of the year as part of the departmental registration process. Students from second year and above have 24-hour access to the building and to the areas allocated for their specific areas of study.Staff and student cards are for the exclusive use of the person to whom they are issued, and may not be given to any other student to allow access to the AMM or the facilities in the building.As the access system only operates for entry, students may enter the building or facilities in groups; with the understanding that all members of the group are entitled to access i.e. they are all JMS students.
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Tel:(+27) (0)46 603 8217
Fax:(+27) (0)46 603 8209

Street Address (for courier):
International Office
Eden Grove Building
Lucas Avenue

Postal Address (for normal post):
International Office
Rhodes University
P O Box 94
## Media ### Title map_C9C461A0_C4AB_F75D_41E1_4B0F9BC2AA6F.label = Africa-Media-Matrix panorama_441E2560_5821_6E2D_4194_5A20B5347E5D.label = AMMnw4 panorama_441E3DFF_5823_5E13_41B4_0122718A6C22.label = AMMnw14 panorama_441E78A0_5821_662D_41D3_334DEFCCDE3F.label = AMMnw3 panorama_441E8895_5823_A617_41B9_5DCC2171BED9.label = AMMnw16 panorama_441F1BDF_5821_5A13_41BB_F5579548692E.label = AMMnw2 panorama_441F5B65_5823_BA37_41C6_F29F1E0F4618.label = AMMnw15 panorama_441F83B6_5820_AA15_41C4_4335386104CD.label = AMMnw10 panorama_441FA1F7_5820_A613_41C8_13C75D3D34E6.label = AMMnw5 panorama_441FA68A_5820_EAFD_41AE_A391E531D3F4.label = AMMnw9 panorama_441FABD5_5823_7A17_41D6_0BAAB264BC55.label = AMMnw13 panorama_441FAE8A_5823_5AF2_41B9_07489E6EB9F5.label = AMMnw12 panorama_441FBB69_5820_DA3F_41CB_17D827FD1B7A.label = AMMnw7 panorama_441FDE82_5820_BAF2_41A7_D6E299F49A50.label = AMMnw6 panorama_441FE104_5820_A7F5_41CF_DEFB766CD497.label = AMMnw11 panorama_441FF883_5820_E6F3_41CF_6D66EB56E656.label = AMMnw8 panorama_464ABEBF_5821_BA13_41D6_06F0803CF3C1.label = AMMnw1 panorama_855BB61B_8E85_CB43_41D2_BE47C879EF6F.label = AMM1new panorama_A0E86BAF_BA81_27AA_41DB_772A2F41B422.label = AMM3